



鶏の消化管は比較的短く、腸粘膜バリアは壊れやすいです。集中的な繁殖条件下では、消化管が長い動物と比較して、有害な微生物の影響を受けやすく、さまざまな病気につながります。の用法飼料添加物腸の病気を予防および治療し、ブロイラーおよび層の性能を改善するための効果的な手段の1つです。ブロイラーの成長率は速く、集中生産は環境の影響を大きく受けます。のアプリケーション飼料添加物 can improve the balance of intestinal flora, reduce the incidence and mortality of intestinal diseases, increase slaughter weight, reduce feed and meat ratio, and reduce Emissions of harmful gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the chicken house can improve product quality. The application of 飼料添加物 in layer breeding can not only prevent diseases, improve production performance and feed remuneration, but also improve egg quality. Studies have shown that adding 飼料添加物 to the diet of laying hens can increase the Hastelloy unit of the eggs, reduce the cholesterol content of the eggs, and have the effects of improving the thickness of the eggshell and reducing soft-shell eggs.


現在の研究と応用はそれを示しています飼料添加物 have achieved good application effects in the breeding of piglets, sows and fattening pigs. Adding 飼料添加物 to piglet diets can promote piglet intestinal development, improve intestinal health, reduce diarrhea rate, and increase piglet growth rate and feed conversion rate. For lactating piglets, adding 飼料添加物 helps to establish a dominant flora of probiotics; for weaned piglets, it can improve the adverse effects of diarrhea and growth retardation caused by factors such as the secretion of digestive enzymes and the antigenicity of the diet. Studies have shown that the use of 飼料添加物 in sow diets can improve intestinal health and improve sow immunity and reproductive performance. After adding 飼料添加物, it can improve the ability to adjust the balance of the bacterial flora in the gastrointestinal tract, increase the feed intake of the sow during lactation, inhibit weight loss, increase the fat and protein content in the milk of the sow, and improve the survival rate of weaned piglets and weaned piglets body weight. Adding 飼料添加物肥育豚用飼料は、飼料摂取量と飼料要求率を高め、健康を改善し、肥育期間を短縮し、品質を改善し、環境汚染を減らす効果があります。研究によると、飼料添加物肥育豚の下痢率を低下させ、免疫力を向上させ、飼料摂取量と飼料消化率を高め、それによって飼料の利用率を高め、飼料と肉の比率を下げることができます。加えて、 飼料添加物筋肉内脂肪の増加と必須脂肪酸の含有量の増加に一定の促進効果があり、豚肉の品質を向上させることができます。


研究によると飼料添加物 can improve the weight gain rate of meat ruminants such as mutton sheep and beef cattle, increase carcass net meat rate, and improve meat quality. For milk-producing ruminants, 飼料添加物 can increase milk production, prolong the peak of milk production, increase milk fat rate, reduce the number of somatic cells in milk, and improve milk composition. It also has a certain effect on preventing mastitis and reproductive diseases. For calves whose digestive tract is not well developed, the use of additives can promote the establishment of the calf's gastrointestinal flora, adjust the balance of the flora, and reduce the occurrence of calf diarrhea. In addition, the use of 飼料添加物 can promote the weight gain of calves.



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